Young People

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is an international law that protects your human rights. Articles of the UNCRC that are relevant to you are:
Article 3: Your best interest should always come first
Article 12: You have a right to a say in the decisions that affect you
Article 29: You have a right to an education that develops your personality, talents and abilities to the fullest.
- You have choices within rugby, (it’s your game, you can decide how you wish to contribute to the club within the laws of the game and organisation)
- You have the right to clear information from your club, (what do they expect from you)
- You have a right to be treated fairly and with respect (there are codes of conduct for those involved in age-grade)
Make sure your club has a Club Welfare Officer (CWO), that you know who they are and how to contact them. This person is there to assist you with your questions, queries or any concerns that you might have.
Sometimes things can happen that make us feel sad or bad, being dropped from the team, getting injured or being made fun of by another person. There is always someone you can talk to you about this. If you don’t want to chat to the CWO then chat to a friend or family member and they will help you get assistance with your problem.
You can also contact the National Children’s charities, if you are living in Ireland you can talk to ISPCC / 1800-66-66-66 / Text Talk to 50101 or if you are living in Northern Ireland you can contact the NSPCC by phone 0800 1111 or chat online or message them
- Player Responsibilities – Age Grade Rugby
- Code of Conduct – Youth Players
- Code of Conduct – Mini Players
- Follow the IRFU’s nutritional information.
- Injuries can happen and it is important that you help your coaches identify any injuries so they can assist your recovery. Don’t play through injury, you might make the next game but you will only end up taking longer to fully recover and you might do more long-term damage to yourself.
- Check out the IRFU concussion guidelines
- Keep yourself fit and healthy using diet, training and sleep. Do not take supplements even if you think they are ‘approved’ or ‘others are doing it’. Make sure you keep play your part in keeping rugby clean.