A Lamb To The Slaughter

Lambs Wanted
The plan that South Cantebury are promoting is one that clubs in Ireland will be familiar with. Offer membership with perks such as tickets to big games, special draws for subscribers, preferential treament, free programmes etc etc.
Well in South Cantebury they’ve a four tier system on offer in the following categories.
Platinum Club: Gold Club: Silver Club and Farm Club.
Remember this is rural based community and as you would expect the Platinum Club members get stung the most. 2000 NZ Dollars to be exact. Next for fleecing are the Gold Club lambs and then of course the Silver Club who are only asked for 250 NZ Dollars.
So how much money do the Farm Club members have to divvy up ?
Nada. Nothing. No money whatsoever.
No, to become a Farm Club member of South Cantebury Rugby Union all you have to do is give one lamb which should be deliverd before 1st August. They don’t specify whether it should be dead or alive. But when you think about it, it makes perfect sense.
I wonder what they’ll serving at the post match meal on Saturday at The Alpine Energy Stadium.