Ulster: Inter School Tag Blitz

On Wednesday 7th February, Acorn Integrated Primary School and St Nicholas Primary School took part in an inter school tag blitz, which marked the first time the two schools had ever met in a rugby fixture.
Over 40 P6 & P7 children took part representing their schools in a Blitz that was not competition centred but rather focused on the the ethos of “Fun, Fair Play & Participation”. The hard frost of the early hours of Wednesday morning was quickly thawed out by a strong early sun and any safety concerns eliminated. When touch-off time arrived at 11am the grounds at Acorn PS were in pristine condition for running rugby.
Before the event started both schools were presented with Certificates Of Participation and Commemorative Rugby Balls for the respective schools trophy cabinets. Match balls were also presented to each school after the event. Carrickfergus RFC U14 coach Martin Lusty helped share the refereeing duties with Ulster Branch YDO Jimmy McTeggart and the Blitz was ready to begin. With fair play and good sportsmanship to the fore all teams lined up, shook hands and wished each other good luck before and after each session.
A number of games were played over the next hour with honours fairly evenly shared. Each game produced numerous tries with running and passing skills of the highest order. With mixed teams of boys and girls the team ethos was foremost with the girls scoring as many touchdowns as their male team mates. Both sets of teams were a credit to their schools with the standard of play and most importantly the standard of sportsmanship exemplary. With the Blitz not being competition centred there were no winners or losers but all agreed that the two schools now had yet another common bond which they could build upon and have more rugby fixtures in the future.
Thanks are due to the respective school principals Robert Gilmore & Bronagh McVeigh and their staff Miss Thompson & Mr McKee for their assistance with the event and also thanks to CRFC youth coach Martin Lusty for his refereeing skills.