DLSP: Kieran Burke Perpetual Trophy

The Kieran Burke Perpetual Trophy was set up in honour of one of our youngest and most enthusiastic players and Leinster mascot: Kieran Burke, who died of leukaemia in January 2004, aged six. The tournament was devised by DLSP and first held in January 2005.
Since then it has grown into the largest rugby event for the U6 and U7 age groups in the country. In 2007 over 650 children attended the event which was won by Lansdowne RFC (U6s) and Seapoint RFC (U7s). This is a completely non-profit event, whose purpose is to promote junior rugby within the various Leinster clubs. Excess proceeds and donations given on the day go to the Children’s Cancer Fund at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Crumlin.
The concept behind the event is to enable these age groups to compete in a safe event and in a sporting environment suitable for their stage of development. As anyone involved in coaching our youngest sporting enthusiasts will appreciate – getting them running in the right direction and staying between the lines is often a breakthrough for the coaches at this age level! They also love the build-up to and competing in an event of this nature. But there was no suitable event prior to the Kieran Burke Tournament. This event is a great chance for the teams to show their skills. It is also important as it gets coaches networking, leading to future fixtures for the young players.
The event attracts a very large crowd of competitors, coaches and support teams along with parents. DLSP FC dedicate the day to this event with the grounds and facilities reserved for the tournament. There is an enthusiastic group of volunteers who support by way of administration, facilities, health and safety, catering, etc. to make sure the event is run successfully.
The organisers expect the tournament to run at maximum capacity in 2008 with twenty five clubs and seven hundred and thirty children already registered to participate. It starts at 10:00 AM on Sunday, 27 January 2008 in DLSP FC, Kilternan, Co. Dublin.
Further information is available from:
David Hicks (087 2565656 or david.hicks@themeatfactoryoutlet.com)
Michael Nugent (087 6804221 or Michael.nugent@bmw.ie).
Karl Burke (085 2536620 or karlgburke@eircom.net)