Tag Fancy Dress Night At Dangan

What better way is there to enjoy a night on the pitches than dressing up as Mr T, a ‘Nerd’ or Jake the Muss? At UCG, Tag players jumped in for the fun on Fancy Dress Night with some memorable moments to say the least…
A huge congratulations to the winners of the Dangan Tag Fancy Dress competition, there were some great costumes and it was fantastic to see so many teams entering into the spirit of it!
Judging was done by Jayne from the Front Door Pub to keep it fair and after careful consideration the decision was made!
1st place, and a prize of a €;100 voucher for the Front Door pub, went to Here for Beer Again and their varied costumes which left most bewildered but highly amused!
2nd place, and a €;50 voucher for the Front Door Pub, went to Prestige Worldwide for their interpretation of “Nerdy“!!
A special mention has to be made to “Pamplemoose” and their “118 118” costumes and “Bootleggers 3 for their “Pirate” outfits making sure the judges had a lot to think about before making the final call!
A selection of photos from this night, as well as many other pictures from venues all over, may be seen in the Gallery section HERE
Congratulations to all for taking part! Please feel free to email your pics from the evening to us at tag@irishrugby.ie, letting us know who is pictured and at what.