Ballymena Bears Bring Tag To Eaton Park
If you go down to Eaton Park today you’re in for a big surprise, because today’s the day that the Ballymena RFC Bears are underway! Sunday saw the first ever meeting of the Bears and to share in the fun and games two fellow bears were present – Spoony (Wooden Spoon mascot) and Sparky (Ulster Rugby mascot).
The Ballymena RFC Bears have been formed to offer Tag rugby to young people with learning difficulties across the region and they have hit the park running with 10 new players.
On hand to show them some skills and help with the fun was Ulster rugby player and newly-agreed patron Luke Marshall, who donned a Tag belt and dodged the coaches along with the boys.
The session started at 10am with everyone forming up at the club at Eaton Park for pictures and welcome introductions.
The group were also joined by representatives from Belfast Newforge Taggers to wish them well and who hopefully the Bears will get to meet soon at blitz days with similar groups, Dungannon Sharks and Donaghadee Sharkies.
Head coach Gary Donald was over the moon at the level of support for their first meeting, saying: “We had been hoping that the message was getting out there and with this level of support at our first meeting, I am sure that from this acorn a huge oak will grow.
Judging by the smiles on the faces of all those present, his wish hopefully will materialise and they will grow from strength to strength.
The BRFC Bears will continue to meet this season every other Sunday, with the next session booked for 10am on March 11 at Eaton Park. Anyone wishing to either help or take part can phone Gary on 07738389791 or turn up on the day.
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