Old Crescent Open Two Dedicated Underage Pitches

Old Crescent are building for the future as they officially opened two new pitches that will be used specifically for age-grade rugby.
Tim Duggan, President of Old Crescent RFC, cut the tape to officially open the two new pitches at the club grounds in Rosbrien on Sunday. The new pitches have been developed on a section of the 11 acres of adjoining land that were acquired by the club two years ago.
Speaking at the official opening, Duggan said: “Just two years ago, in the most exciting club development since we moved to Rosbrien 35 years ago, Old Crescent RFC completed the purchase of 11 acres of land adjoining our club grounds which saw our grounds double in size, securing the future of rugby at Rosbrien for current and future generations.
“The club began a major fundraising drive to fund the land purchase, and I am delighted to say that our fundraising efforts have been very successful to date – but we could always do with more!
“The IRFU were fully behind the project and gave us financial support for the land purchase, and the club was also approved for tax relief on donations by the Department of Transport Tourism and Sport and the Revenue Commissioners.”
Duggan congratulated Crescent’s Grounds Committee, led by Chairman Dermot McGovern, for their hard work over the last two years, clearing and developing the new lands, to the stage where the club has a third newly-laid full size pitch and training area, and now two new dedicated underage pitches, on the new land.
He added: “The growth of underage rugby in Old Crescent has been phenomenal in recent years, and for that we must thank our hard working Underage Committee, led by Chairman Anthony O’Dwyer, and his dedicated team of coaches and mentors. We also thank the parents who have been hugely supportive.
“The ethos of Old Crescent underage rugby, from the youngest age, is to foster and develop young players of all abilities in the game of rugby in a safe, non competitive, enjoyable environment through activities which will ensure progressive skill development leading to age grade competition for all participants in line with the IRFU’s Long-Term Player Development pathway, ‘From 6 to 6 Nations’, child welfare guidelines, and the traditions of rugby.”
Pictured at the tape cutting ceremony were (left-right): Anthony O’Dywer, Underage Chairman, Tim Duggan, club President, and Dermot McGovern, Grounds Chairman, in front of a gathering of enthusiastic young players from Old Crescent RFC.