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Women In Rugby Conference – Two Weeks To Go

Women In Rugby Conference – Two Weeks To Go

From Grand Slam winners to Olympians, join us to look at the past, present and future of Women’s Rugby in Ireland with panel discussions, keynote speeches and audience interaction.

The conference will showcase the journey that Women’s rugby has taken over the past 30 years in Ireland and will be giving all those involved in Women’s rugby, both men and women – on and off the pitch, ideas on how to continue to grow the game and women’s (and girls’) involvement in the sport.

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Women’s Rugby Conference

8.30am-9.30am Registration

9.45     Opening – MC and IRFU Chief Executive Kevin Potts

10.15   Panel Discussion – 30 years a growing

10.45  Keynote by Suzy LevyLessons on Inclusion

11.45  Coffee

12.00  Break Out Sessions (see below)

13.00  Lunch

14.00  Break Out Sessions (see below)

15.00  Coffee & networking & poster presentations

15.30  Panel Discussion – Future of the Game with IRFU Chief Executive Kevin Potts, Grand Slam winner and Sport Ireland Director Nora Stapleton, and Keynote speaker Suzy Levy.

16.15  Closing Remarks

Breakout Sessions

Developing the Visibility of Women’s Rugby

Chaired by IRFU Communications Director Aoife Clarke, this session will  look at Changing the past message, busting myths and what are the right steps commercially for women in rugby

Orla Nagle (Vodafone), Ireland International Derbhile Nic a Bháird, Olympian and Youth Council member Eve Higgins.

Developing Equitable & Inclusive Leadership / Allyship

Chaire by Jo Hopkins who has been delivering the IRFU Volunteer Leadership programme since its inception in 2018-19 season and was also involved in the first ever Female Accelerator course in 2024. She has extensive experience in helping teams, both in sporting and corporate world, of creating a high-performance environment.

Developing the female player

Caithriona Yeomans, IRFU Medical Manager in the Developmental Game, will chair this session that will look at factors to consider when working with female players – S & C/Nutrition/Coach and player’s perspective.

Developing the women’s game

Amanda Greensmith, IRFU Head of Women’s Development, will chair this session on why it’s important to include women’s rugby in your club.

Book Your Ticket Now