Tag Finals Time At Garryowen FC
With finals approaching at Garryowen FC, some minor changes will affect Thursday’s games due to some catch-up fixtures requiring to be scheduled on the night also.
This is the second last week of the Bud Light tag at Garryowen FC. All teams will play a play off game this Thursday with the finals taking place on the following Thursday, July 16th.
There are two outstanding pool games to be played, one in Beginners grade and one in Grade C. When these ate played at 7pm, a clear picture of the outstanding semi final match ups will then be known.
Possible Fixture Scenarios (three in total)
Not so Mobile v Super 7s (pool match) at 7pm. Both teams play again at 8.30pm.
Inbetweeners v Guten Tag play semi-final at 7pm. No second match for either team.
All other beginner grade teams will play at 8.30pm, with opponents pending result of 7pm match. Fixtures will be posted at the venue.
Grade B
Fixtures as per listing in downloadable file on this page. All teams play at 7pm.
Grade C
Shark Hunters v Wii not fit (pool match) at 7pm. Both teams play again at 8.30pm.
PACE, P Paddy’s Playmates, Tri Stars, Horn Dogs, Post Panthers, Champagne Charlies, Amazing Pace, Don Juans all play at 7.45pm.
Dirty Dozen, Crusaders, Average Joes, Team Hoff, Turn n Burn, Speedy and co. will play at either 7.45pm or 8.30pm depending on resulting opposition. This will be known after the result of outstanding pool game at 7pm is known.
All team captains involved have been notified and all have kindly agreed to be ready to play at 7.45pm with the possibility of them having to wait until 8.30pm to play. Only two of the six teams will be affected.
For a spreadsheet showing an overview of three possible fixtures lists for the evening, please download HERE (excel format – 21KB)