The Maul – Law Application
The IRB Maul Working Group has reported its findings on the application of the Maul Law. The new guidelines for the refereeing of the maul can be viewed online.
The ELV Conference in March 2009 expressed a concern that the maul can be observed to be, and actually can be, a form of ‘legalised obstruction’.
This is evidenced by players at the back of an elongated maul holding the ball whilst the maul moves forward (‘truck and trailer’).
Following the establishment of an International Working Group to review Law application/refereeing in relation to the maul, the outcomes – including video clips – can be viewed on:
It is important that all stakeholders, particularly coaches, referees and players study the content which demonstrates clearly how this phase is to be refereed.
The members of the Group were: Rob Andrew, Phil Davies, Owen Doyle, Steve Hansen, Graham Mourie, Bill Nolan, David Nucifora, Paddy O’Brien and Steve Griffiths (IRB).