H1N1 Influenza: Information & Guidelines For Clubs
The IRFU have issued the following best practice guidelines for rugby clubs in accordance with advice from The Irish Health Protection and Surveillance Centre and the Centre for Disease Control.
The Novel Influenza H1N1 pandemic is of concern in relation to sporting events to include rugby.
The Irish Health Protection and Surveillance Centre and the Center for Disease Control are excellent sources for information on this infection. These sites are updated on a daily basis and should answer any questions you may have in relation to this infection.
General Infection Control Recommendations
Encourage all persons to effectively cover their cough or sneeze and use good hand hygiene.
Hand washing facilities including running water and liquid hand soap should be readily accessible; alcohol-based hand sanitizers may be used if hands are not visibly soiled.
Plan ahead to ensure that enough alcohol-based hand sanitizers are available for situations where it is known that hand washing facilities may not available.
Clean all areas and items that are more likely to have frequent hand contact (like doorknobs, taps, handrails) routinely (e.g., daily, before/after meals, as needed) and also immediately when visibly soiled; use the cleaning agents that are usually used in these areas; it is not necessary to conduct disinfection of environmental surfaces beyond routine cleaning.
Reduction of Risk of Introduction of Novel H1N1 Virus into the Club Setting
Notify players and volunteers that they should not attend the club if they have had an Influenza -like illness in the 7 days prior.
In addition, they should be reminded that if they have been exposed to a person with novel H1N1 or Influenza-like illness in the 7 days prior they should closely self-monitor their health and report development of Influenza-like symptoms to their doctor.
Persons who currently have or have had Influenza-like illness in the previous 7 days should not attend the club for 7 days after their symptoms began or until they have been symptom-free for 24 hours, whichever is longer.
Linens, eating utensils, and dishes used by those who are sick do not need to be cleaned separately, but they should not be shared without thorough washing.
Linens (such as towels) should be washed in hot water using laundry soap and tumbled dry on a hot setting. Individuals should wash their hands with soap and water immediately after handling dirty laundry.
Related Links
HSE Guidance for Sports Clubs (PDF – 214kb)