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Dawson Backs IRFU’s Stance On ‘Free-To-Air’ Issue

Leinster Chief Executive Mick Dawson gives his support to the IRFU's opposition to Minister Eamon Ryan's 'free-to-air' proposals. "Professional rugby is not about mediocrity, it's about success. We've created a competitive edge in our team, and you wouldn't like to lose those players because of the fact that you couldn't pay them," he said.

Dawson Backs IRFU’s Stance On ‘Free-To-Air’ Issue

Leinster Chief Executive Mick Dawson gives his support to the IRFU’s opposition to Minister Eamon Ryan’s ‘free-to-air’ proposals. “Professional rugby is not about mediocrity, it’s about success. We’ve created a competitive edge in our team, and you wouldn’t like to lose those players because of the fact that you couldn’t pay them,” he said.